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W3C Speech Recognition Grammar markup language (VoiceXML Italian User Group) (24 Agosto 2001)

Riceviamo da Jim A. Larson (Chairman, W3C Voice Browser Working Group) e con immenso piacere inoltriamo a tutti gli iscritti alla NewsLetter.

Data invio: venerd́ 24 agosto 2001 18.55
Oggetto: W3C Speech Recognition Grammar markup language

Please include in your next newsletter Feel free to abbreviate as you think


You are invited to review the Last Call Working Draft for the Speech
Recognition Grammar language found at:


The call control language will be part of the W3C Speech Interface
Framework, which includes markup languages for dialog (VoiceXML), speech
synthesis, natural language, call control, and pronunciation lexicon.

For greatest impact, your comments should be sent to the public mailing
[email protected] by September 24, 2001.
To subscribe to this public  mailing list, to review the Working
Group's charter, or to review other  W3C Speech Interface Framework
documents produced by the Voice Browser Working Group, see
http://www.w3.org/Voice/ .

The Last Call Working Draft for the Speech Recognition Grammar Format
contains many substantial enhancements over the January 3rd, 2001 draft.
The changes were driven in large part by implementation experience with
the earlier draft.  The following is a summary of the changes:

* General
- Clarified equivalence of XML and ABNF forms of spec
- Clarifications to locale handling (esp. for DTMF)
- DTMF handling now Normative
- "Semantic Interpretation for Speech Recognition" required for
  semantic processing of results (spec expected soon)
- New informative Logical Parse Structure appendix
- Tighter conformance definitions (esp. for multi-lingual support
  and new definition of User Agent conformance)
- New informative appendix on grammar media types and filename suffix
- Permit media type on URI references (rule ref, lexicon etc)
* Expansion and rule definition changes:
- Permit enumerated counts (e.g. repeat expansion 3-6 times)
- Clarified handling of white-space in tokens
- New informative definition of weights
* Grammar header
- New header declarations: lexicon, tag-format, meta
- Renamed "import" declaration to "alias"
- Grammar mode: "speech" mode renamed to "voice" to follow VoiceXML
- Simplified root rule semantics
* Changes to XML Form of SRGF
- tag attribute to <tag> element
- <count> element to repeat attribute on <item> element
- Added Schema in Appendix
- Explicit DOCTYPE and namespace definitions
* Changes to ABNF Form of SRGF
- Simpler delimiter for tags
- Clarified status of keywords
- Added formal CFG definition of ABNF
* Other
- DTD, XSLT updated
- Future Study chapter (was Chapter 6) distilled into Future Study appendix

Andrew Hunt, SpeechWorks International
Scott McGlashan, PipeBeach AB

Jim Larson
Chairman, W3C Voice Browser Working Group

Saluti a tutti !
VoiceXML Italian User Group